Curriculum Information
Students at Grace Christian use curriculum and materials from a variety of publishers, both Christian and secular. Grace endeavors to use Christian- published textbooks but is committed to providing the highest quality materials from an educational standpoint without compromising Christian principles. On an ongoing basis the Faculty and Administration examine all materials and prepares curriculum objectives to assure that the curriculum best fits the needs of the children served. Fundamental to all areas is God’s Word. Bible is taught as a subject alone and is also integrated throughout the other subjects.
The Four R's
Central to the curriculum are the basic subjects of reading, writing, math and religion: sometimes called the “4 r’s.” These are necessary, enabling individuals to communicate and understand order in society. These areas communicate God’s love to others and enable the students to read God’s Word for themselves.
History is taught so that the students might understand God’s view of man, his design for their lives and to gain knowledge about what man has done with the time God has given them.
Science helps children understand God’s creation and how they fit into His order.
Government & geography provide knowledge and understanding of the nations of the world as the home God gave man. It helps students to understand how man has used his home provided by God.
Physical education gives children the opportunity to grow strong in mind, spirit and body.
Literature, music and art help bring out in each student that which is creative like our Heavenly Father. The arts give another avenue to communicate God’s truth to others.
Curriculum Information
One of the most common questions that we receive at GCA is what kind of curriculum do your teachers use with the students. Listed below are some of the most used curriculum across all grade levels at grace. However, this is not an exhaustive list as we may supplement these with additional materials from other Christian-based curricula in order to meet the needs of different students or explain additional concepts.
Most of our science Curriculum is produced by apologia. It strikes a good balance between simplifying
difficult concepts for students and preparing them for education beyond high school. Apologia has been
voted number one by homeschooling parents and publications 12 years in a row at the time of writing this
page in addition, they have received 75 different awards for their curriculum. You can learn more about apologia at
Teaching textbooks is the major math program at Grace and covers all students in 3rd grade and up. The program contains both a traditional textbook and computer-based tutors that a student can access from anywhere in case they need a refresher from that day’s class session during homework time. You can learn more about each grade level and what it contains at, the site even allows free trials if you would like to try a lesson or two yourself.
This is the foreign language program we use for high school students here at Grace. It is an online program similar to Rosetta stone. While we currently only use the Spanish program here at school there are other languages that the company offers for students interested in continuing in other languages on their own. You can learn more about the program at
Created by veteran teachers with years of experience grace first started using this program with our younger students in 2019. A Beka covers so much information with the students. I could write a page on it alone. Suffice it to say that we just found other curriculum offerings paled in comparison when we looked at the improvement in our students skills. You can take a look into A Beka yourself at